THE TITLE:Dr. Kegen Yu, Professor
EMAIL:kegen.yu@cumt.edu.cn; kegen.yu@ieee.org
THE RESEARCH DIRECTION: Indoor Positioning, Satellite-based Positioning, GNSS Reflectometry, Signal Processing, Remote Sensing
Apr 1999 – Apr 2003,Ph.D. student
School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia
Thesis title:Code Acquisition and Detection for Spread-spectrum Communications in Fading Channels
Apr 1997 – Apr 1999, Master’s student
Department of Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Thesis title:Robotic force/velocity control for following unknown contours of granular materials
Sep 1985 – Jul 1987, Postgraduate student
Department of Electrical Engineering, Shandong Polytechnic University (Shandong University), Jinan, China
Sep 1979 – Jul 1983, Bachelor’s student
Department of Instrumentation, Changchun Geological College (Jilin University), Changchun, China
Nov 2017 – now, Distinguished Professor
School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining and Technology (CUMT), Xuzhou, China
Feb 2014– Nov 2017,Professor
School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Dec 2014 – Nov 2017,Adjunct Research Professor
Collaborative Innovation Center for Geospatial Information,Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Mar 2011 – Mar 2019,Adjunct Professor,
Department of Electronic Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Mar 2011 – Jan 2014,Senior Research Associate
School of Surveying and Geospatial Engineering & Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research, University of New South Wales, Australia
May 2009 – Dec 2010,Research Fellow
Department of Electronic Engineering, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Nov 2005 – Apr 2009,Research Scientist
Information Communication Technology Centre, Commonwealth scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Sydney, Australia
Apr 2003 – Oct 2005,Post-doc Research Fellow,
Centre for Wireless Communication, University of Oulu, Finland
Aug 1987 – Feb 1997,Associate Lecturer/Lecturer
Department of Electrical Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China
Aug 1983 – Aug 1985,Associate Engineer
Jiangxi Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Nanchang, China
Selected Projects
1. PULSERS (Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems), funded by European Commission (2004-2006),
2. Wireless Ad Hoc System for Positioning, funded by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (2004-2010)
3. High Data Rate mm-Wave Communication Link, jointly funded by Boeing Corporation and CSIRO (2007-2010),
4. SAR Formation Flying (Garada), funded by Australian Space Research Program (2011-2013),
5. Research on Key Problems in Localization of Far-field Acoustic Source with Short Baseline Sensor Network, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (2012 – 2015),
6. Research on Key Problems in GNSS-R based Ground Snow Water Equivalent Measurement, funded by NSFC (2016 – 2019),
7. Indoor Hybrid Intelligent Positioning and GIS Technology, National Key Research and Development Program of China, (2016-2021)
8. Research on Key Techniques in Retrieving Sea Surface Rainfall Intensity Based on Spaceborne GNSS-R, funded by NSFC (2022 – 2025), project leader
Supervision and Co-supervision of PhD Students
Supervised and co-supervised 17 Ph.D. students
Membership of Technical Societies
1. Senior member of IEEE (since 2012)
2. Member of IAG/GGOS GNSS-R Working Group (2015-2020)
3. Member of IAG WG4.1.2 - Indoor Positioning and Navigation (2015-2019)
4. Technical Panel of Navigation Systems, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic System Society (Jan 2021- )
Editorship of Academic Journals
1. Associate editor, IEEE Access (Jan 2020 – )
2. Associate editor, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (Nov 2012 – Dec 2017)
3. Associate editor, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Dec 2012 – Mar 2018)
4. Associate editor, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems (Jan
2013 – Jan 2018)
5. Lead guest editor, special issue on “Machine Learning Methods for Aerial and
Space Positioning and Navigation” in IEEE TAES (2022-2023)
6. Lead guest editor, special issue on “Land and Ocean Disaster Monitoring Based
on Navigation Satellite Systems” in IEEE Remote Sensing (2022-2023)
7. Lead associate editor, special issue on “Positioning and Navigation in
Challenging Environments” in IEEE Access (2021-2022)
8. Lead associate editor, special issue on “Recent Advances in GNSS Reflectometry” in Remote Sensing (2021-2022)
9. Lead guest editor, special issue on “Indoor Navigation and Tracking” in Physical
Communication (2014)
10. Lead associate editor, special issue on GNSS Remote Sensing in EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (2014)
Conference Organization
1. Track chair, Symposium of Mobile Satellite Systems, Positioning and Navigation,
IEEE VTC-Fall, Montreal, Canada, 2016
2.Track chair, Symposium of Positioning Technologies, Localization and Navigation, and Satellite Networks, IEEE VTC-Spring, Sydney, Australia, 2017
3. Session Chair, Positioning in Complex Environments, the fifth International Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Services (UPINLBS), Wuhan, China, 22-23 March 2018
4. Session Chair, Seamless Positioning and Internet of Things, the Sixth International UPINLBS, Beijing, China, 13-14 November 2019
5.Session Co-chair, Recent Advances in GNSS-R and SoOp-R Applications and Modelling (II),IGARSS 2022,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,17-22 July 2022
6. Symposium Co-chair, Internet of Things (IoT) for Intelligent Mobility and Dynamics: Interconnecting Air, Ground, and Human, the 8th WF-IoT, Yokohama, Japan, 26 Oct–1 Nov 2022
7. Organizing committee member, IEEE/ION PLANS, Monterey, California, USA, 24-27 April 2023
Awards and Honors
1. Graduate Education Achievement Award of First Prize (team member), CUMT, 2022
2. Excellent Mentor Award (team member), Xuzhou Municipal Education Bureau, 2022
3. Excellent Team of Undergraduate Final Year Project (supervisor), CUMT, 2022
4. Excellent Natural Science Paper Award (first author), Xuzhou Municipal Government, 2020
5. Satellite Navigation and Positioning Education Award, the First Prize (team member), GNSS and LBS Association of China, 2020
6. Hubei Provincial “One Hundred Talents Program”, Hubei Provincial Government, 2015
7. Distinguished Expert of Hubei Province, Hubei Provincial Government, 2015
8. Publication Achievement Award, CSIRO ICT Centre, 2008
9. Visiting Travel Award, CSIRO & Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2008
10. Email Metering Prize for Initiating Industrial Contacts, University of Sydney, 2001
1. K. Yu, Theory and Practice of GNSS Reflectometry, Springer, 2021
2. K. Yu, Indoor Positioning and Navigation (edited book), Science Press, 2019
3. I. Sharp and K. Yu, Wireless Positioning: Principles and Practice, Springer, anticipated to be released early 2018
4. K. Yu, Positioning and Navigation in Complex Environments (edited book), IGI Global, 2018
5. K. Yu, I. Sharp and Y. J. Guo, Ground-Based Wireless Positioning, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2009; a Chinese version is also available
Book Chapters
1. X. He, J.P. Montillet, M.S. Bos, R.M.S Fernandes, W. Jiang, and K. Yu, “Filtering of GPS Time Series Using Geophysical Models and Common Mode Error Analysis” Geodetic Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences (J.-P Montillet and M.S. Bos, editors), Springer, 2019
2. J.-P. Montillet, K. Yu, L. Bonenberg, and G. Roberts, “Optimization Algorithms in Local and Global Positioning,” Modern Optimization Algorithms and Applications in Engineering and Economics (P. Vasant, G.-W. Weber and V.N. Dieu, editors), IGI Global, 2016
3. K. Yu, C. Rizos and A. Dempster, “GNSS Reflectometry for Ocean and Land Applications,” Remote Sensing Handbook, (Prasad S. Thenkabail, editor), Taylor & Francis, pp. 493-507, 2015
4. K. Yu, H. Saarnisaari, J.-P. Montillet, A. Rabbachin, I. Oppermann and G. Abreu, “Localization”, Ultra-Wideband Wireless Communications and Networks, (S. Shen, M. Guizani, R. C. Qiu, and T. Le-Ngoc, editors), Wiley, chapter 12, pp. 279 – 304, 2006
5. I. Oppermann, K. Yu, A. Rabbachin, L. Stocia, P. Cheong, J.-P. Montillet, and S. Tiuraniemi, “UWB Location and Tracking—A Practical Example of an UWB-Based Sensor Network,” Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication, (H. Arslan, Z. N. Chen, and M.-G. Di Benedetto, editors), Wiley, chapter 17, pp. 451 – 480, 2006
6. K. Yu and I. Oppermann, “Positioning,” UWB Theory and Applications, (I. Oppermann, M. Hamalainen and J. Iinatti, editors), Wiley, chapter 8, pp. 175 -196, 2004
Journal Papers (SCI, Jan 2018 – Nov 2022)
1. Ban W, Yu K, Zheng N, Zhang K, Chen S, Lu Q (2022) Green algae monitoring via ground-based GNSS-R observations, GPS Solutions, accepted
2. Ma X, Wang Q, Yu K, He X, Zhao L (2022) Research on Blunder detection methods of pseudorange observation in GNSS observation domain. Remote Sensing, 14(21), 5286
3. Bu J, Yu K, Park H, Huang W, Han S, Yan Q, Qian N, Lin Y (2022) Estimation of swell height using spaceborne GNSS-R data from eight CYGNSS satellites. Remote Sensing, 14(18), 4634.
4. Bu J, Yu K, Ni J, Yan Q, Han S, Wang J, Wang C (2022) Machine learning based methods for sea surface rain detection from CYGNSS delay-doppler maps, GPS Solutions, 26(132)
5. Bu J, Yu K (2022) A New Integrated Method of CYGNSS DDMA and LES Measurements for Significant Wave Height estimation, IEEE GRSL, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2022.3198131
6. Ban W, Zheng N, Yu K, Zhang K (2022) Sea Surface Green Algae Density Estimation Using Ship-borne GEO-Satellite Reflection Observations. IEEE GRSL, DOI: 10.1109/LGRS.2022.3198253
7. Wang C, Yu K, Qu F, Bu J, Han S, Zhang K (2022) Spaceborne GNSS-R Wind Speed Retrieval Using Machine Learning Methods. Remote Sensing, 14(14), 3507, 21 July, 2022
8. Wang J, Yu K, Bu J, Lin Y, Han S (2022) Multi-classification of UWB signal propagation channel based on one-dimensional wavelet packet analysis and CNN. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 5 May 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2022.3172863
9. Bu J, Yu K, Han S, Qian N, Lin Y, Wang J (2022) Retrieval of Sea Surface Rainfall Intensity Using Spaceborne GNSS-R Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, accepted April 18, 2022
10. Ma X, He X, Yu K, (2022) Progress of global ARAIM availability of BDS-2/BDS-3 with TGD and ISB. Advances in Space Research,
11. Yu K, Han S, Bu J, An Y, Zhou Z, Wang C, Tabibi S, Cheong J-W (2022) Spaceborne GNSS Reflectometry, Remote Sensing, 14(7), 1605. 27 March 2022
12. Bu J, Yu K (2022) Significant Wave Height Retrieval Method Based on Spaceborne GNSS Reflectometry. IEEE GRSL, accepted Feb 27, 2022
13. Yang R, Deng C, Yu K, Li Z, Pan L (2022) A new way for Cartesian coordinate transformation and its precision evaluation. Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(4), 864
14. Ma X, Yu K, He X, (2022) Development and evaluation of a generalized model of RAIM availability for single-, dual- and multi-satellite faults. Measurement Science and Technology, accepted, February 2022
15. Lin Y, Yu K, Hao L, Wang J, Bu J (2022) An indoor Wi-Fi localization algorithm using ranging model constructed with transformed RSSI and BP neural network. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 70(3):2163-2177
16. Ban W, Zhang K, Yu K, Zheng N, Chen S (2022) Detection of red tide over sea surface using GNSS-R spaceborne observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, accepted January 2022
17. He X, Yu K, Huang Z, Montillet J-P, Lu T, Lan X, Xiao G, Ma X, Zhou H, Chen Y (2021) Multilevel-teaching/training practice on GNSS principle and application for undergraduate educations: A case study in China. Advances in Space Research, accepted, November 19, 2021
18. Bu J, Yu K, (2021) Sea surface rainfall detection and intensity retrieval based on GNSS-Reflectometry data from the CYGNSS mission. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, accepted, November 11, 2021
19. Zhu Y, Tao T, Li J, Yu K, Wang L, Qu X, Li S, Semmling M, Wickert J ( 2021) Spaceborne GNSS-R for sea ice classification using machine learning Classifiers, Remote Sensing, 13(22):4577
20. Zhou Z, Yu K, Bu J, Li Y, Han S (2021) Snow depth estimation based on combination of pseudorange measurements of GNSS geodetic receivers. Advances in Space Research, accepted, 69(3):1439-1450
21. Li Y, Yu K, Chang X, Jin T, Li J (2021) Estimation of Wheat Height with SNR Observations Collected by Low-cost Navigational GNSS Chip and RHCP Antenna. IEEE GRSL, 19:8024905
22. Zhao B, Hua H, Yu K, He X, Xue W, Li Q, Qi W, Zou L, Li C(2021)An inverse node graph based method for urban scene segmentation of 3D point cloud. Remote Sensing, 13:1-28, 3201
23. Li Y, Yu K, Jin T, Chang X, Wang Q, Li J (2021) Development of GNSS-IR instrument based on low-cost positioning chips and its performance evaluation for estimating reflective height variation. GPS Solutions, 25(127):1-12
24. Cui X, Yu K, Zhang S, Zhou M (2021) Closed-from geometry-aided direction estimation using minimum TDOA measurements. Signal Processing, 188:1-13, 108224
25. Chen X, An Q, Yu K, Ban Y (2021) A novel fire identification algorithm based on improved color segmentation and enhanced feature data. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70(?):?-?
26. Montillet JP, He X, Yu K, Xiong C (2021) Application of Lévy processes in modelling (geodetic) time series with mixed spectra. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 28(1):121-134.
27. Bu J, Yu K, Qian N, Zuo X, Chang J (2021) Performance assessment of positioning based on multi-frequency multi-GNSS observations: signal quality, PPP and baseline solution. IEEE Access, 9:5845-5861.
28. Zhang W, Yu K, Wang W, Li X (2021) A self-adaptive AP selection algorithm based on multi-Objective optimization for indoor WiFi positioning. IEEE Internet of Things, 8(3):1406-1416.
29. Tao W, Hua X, Yu K, Zhao B (2021) A pipeline for 3-D object recognition based on local shape description in cluttered scenes. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(1):801-816.
30. Peng X, Chen R, Yu K, Ye F, Xue W (2021) A new Wi-Fi localization algorithm based on RSS characteristic value extraction by hybrid filtering and dynamic selection of number of nearest neighbors. Measurement Science and Technology, 32(034003):1-12.
31. Peng X, Chen R, Yu K, Ye F, Xue W (2020) An improved weighted K-nearest neighbor algorithm for indoor localization. Electronics, 9(12):1-14, 2117.
32. Yu K, Li Y, Jin T, Chang X, Wang Q, Li J (2020) GNSS-R-based snow water equivalent estimation with empirical modeling and enhanced SNR-based snow depth estimation. Remote Sensing, 12(23):1-20, 3905.
33. Bu J, Yu K, Zhu Y, Qian N, Chang J (2020) Developing and testing models for sea surface wind speed estimation with GNSS-R delay Doppler maps and delay waveforms. Remote Sensing, 12(22):1-24, 3760.
34. Zhu Y, Tao T, Yu K, Qu X, Li S, Wickert J, Semmling M (2020) Machine learning-aided sea ice monitoring using feature sequences extracted from spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry data. Remote Sensing, 12(22):1-20, 3750.
35. He X, Yu K, Montillet JP, Xiong C, Lu T, Zhou S, Ma X, Cui H, Ming F (2020) GNSS-TS-NRS: An open-source MATLAB based GNSS time series noise reduction software. Remote Sensing, 12(21):1-24, 3532.
36. Xue W, Yu K, Li Q, Hua X, Zhou B, Zhu J, Chen Y, Ma W, Chen Z (2020) Eight-Diagram Based Access Point Selection Algorithm for Indoor Localization. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(11):13196-13205.
37. Zhao B, Hua X, Yu K, Tao W, Feng S, Tian P (2020) Evaluation of convolution operation based on the interpretation of deep learning on 3D point cloud. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13:5088-5101.
38. Ma X, Yu K, He X, Montillet JP, Li Q (2020) Positioning performance comparison between GPS and BDS with data recorded at four MGEX stations in 2020. IEEE Access, 8:147422-147438.
39. Tao W, Hua X, Yu K, Wang R, He X (2020) A comparative study of weighting methods for local reference frame. Applied Science, 10(3223):1-14.
40. Zhao B, Hua X, Yu K, Xuan W, Chen X, Tao W (2020) Indoor point cloud segmentation using iterative Gaussian mapping and improved model fitting. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(11):7890-7907.
41. Zhu Y, Tao T, Zou J, Yu K, Wickert J, Semmling M (2020) Spaceborne GNSS reflectometry for retrieving sea ice concentration using TDS-1 data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter, 18(4):612-616.
42. Wen K, Yu K, Li Y, Zhang S, Zhang W (2020) A new quaternion Kalman filter based foot-mounted IMU and UWB tightly-coupled method for indoor pedestrian navigation. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(4):4340-4352.
43. Cui X, Yu K, Zhang S, Wang H (2020) Azimuth-only estimation for TDOA-based direction finding with three-dimensional acoustic array. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69(4):985-994.
44. Chen X, Liu Q, Yu K (2020) A point cloud feature regularization method by fusing judge criterion of field force. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58(5):2994-3006.
45. Zhu Y, Tao T, Yu K, Li Z, Qu X, Ye Z, Geng J, Semmling M, Wickert J (2020) Sensing sea ice based on Doppler spread analysis of spaceborne GNSS-R data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 13:217-226.
46. Tian P, Hua X, Yu K, Tao W (2020) Robust segmentation of building planar features from unorganized point cloud. IEEE Access, 8(1):30873-30884.
47. Cui X, Yu K, Zhao B (2019) A measurement-division model for TDOA-based source bearing estimation with unknown propagation speed. IEEE Access, 7:162476-162487.
48. Chen X, Yu K (2019) Feature line generation and regularization from point clouds. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(12):9779-9790.
49. He X, Hua X, Montillet JP, Yu K, Zou J, Xiang D, Zhu H, Zhang D, Huang Z, Zhao B (2019) An innovative virtual simulation teaching platform on digital mapping with unmanned aerial vehicle for remote sensing education. Remote Sensing, 11(24):1-18, 2993.
50. Chang X, Jin T, Yu K, Li Y, Li J (2019) Soil moisture estimation by GNSS multipath signal. Remote Sensing, 11(21):1-16, 2559
51. Li Y, Chang X, Yu K, Wang S, Li J (2019) Estimation of snow depth using pseudorange and carrier phase observations of GNSS single-frequency signal. GPS Solutions, 23(118):1-13.
52. Yu K, Wang S, Li Y, Chang X, Li J (2019) Snow depth estimation with GNSS-R dual receiver observation. Remote Sensing, 11(17):1-17, 2056.
53. Ma X, Yu K, Montillet JP, He X (2019) Equivalence Proof and Performance Analysis of Weighted Least Squares Residual Method and Weighted Parity Vector Method in RAIM. IEEE Access, 7:97803-97814.
54. Yu K, Li Y, Xin C (2019) Snow depth estimation based on combination of pseudorange and carrier phase of GNSS dual-frequency signals. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(3):1817-1828.
55. Yu K, Wen K, Li Y, Zhang K (2019) A novel NLOS mitigation algorithm for UWB localization in harsh indoor environments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(1):686-699.
56. Zhang W, Hua X, Yu K, Qiu W, Zhang S, He X (2019) A novel WiFi indoor positioning strategy based on weighted squared Euclidean distance and local principal gradient direction. Sensor Review, 39(1):99-106.
57. Xue W, Hua Q, Li Q, Yu K, Qiu W (2018) A new algorithm for indoor RSSI radio map reconstruction. IEEE Access, 6:76118-76125.
58. Tao W, Hua X, Yu K, He X, Chen X (2018) An improved point-to-plane registration method for terrestrial laser scanning data. IEEE Access, 6:48062-48073.
59. Xue W, Hua X, Li Q, Yu K, Qiu W, Zhou B, Cheng K (2018) A new weighted algorithm based on the uneven spatial resolution of RSSI for indoor localization. IEEE Access, 6:26588-26595.
60. Xue W, Yu K, Hua X, Li Q, Qiu W, Zhou B (2018) Aps’ virtual positions based reference point clustering and physical distance based weighting for indoor Wi-Fi positioning. IEEE Internet of Things, 5(4):3031-3042.
61. Ma X, Yu K, Montillet JP, He X (2018) One-step solution to local tie vector determination at co-located GNSS/VLBI sites. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica,62(4):535-561.
62. Ara P, Yu K, Cheng S, Dutkiewicz E, Heimlich MC (2018) Human abdomen path-loss modeling and location estimation of wireless capsule endoscope using round-trip propagation loss. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(8):3266-3277.
63. Cui X, Yu K, Lu S (2018) Approximate closed-form TDOA-based estimator for acoustic direction finding via constrained optimization. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(8):3360-3371.
64. Yu K (2018) Simplified Tsunami modelling and waveform reconstruction with GNSS-R observations. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 54(3):1470-1484.
65. Ban W, Yu K, Zhang X (2018) GEO-satellite-based reflectometry for soil moisture estimation: signal modeling and algorithm development. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(3):1289-1238.
66. Chen X, Yu K, Wu H (2018) Determination of minimum detectable deformation of terrestrial laser scanning based on error entropy model. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(1):105-116.